De vandt Bruno Mars-konkurrencen
Da Bruno Mars var i Danmark i mandags for at give koncert, fik han overrakt en platinplade fra sit danske pladeselskab. På pladen var der trykt citater fra Vi Unge-læsere og Bruno Mars-fans, og lige her kan du se Bruno posere med sin flotte gave.
Læs også: Bruno Mars er med i "Twilight: Breaking Dawn".

Vinder-citaterne lød sådan her:
"Your music is what feelings sound like"
Mette Bayer Kruhöffer
"Honesty is beautiful
Kindness is beautiful
Intelligence is beautiful
Talent is beautiful
And Bruno you got it all"
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"You're one in million, just the way you are, and we love you for how you can make
a rainy day to a sun shining day."
Sandra Andersen
"When I hear your voice, it's not just my mouth and my eyes that smile, my heart smiles too"
Natasha Grønlund
Bruno Mars sings like a star and he looks good. His songs are like adventures"
"You and your songs have so much influence on my life, and inspire me really much, I love you"
Katrine Hedegaard
"You gave girls all over the world their confidence back, Bruno. We love you"
Kamilla Norden
"You're music make me smile, make me cry, make me feel good about myself and make me feel so happy. You are a true superstar! You and you're music will always be in my life and my heart"
Louise Amalie Schultz Bjerre
Bruno inspires me so truly much; his music touches me deep in the heart.
I think about his music every single time I practice singing and playing my guitar. I love you Bruno Mars"
Melissa Bonde
"When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show it that you have a thousand reasons to smile. Sometimes I can't, but then i listen to your music, and then all sudden everything feels so much better. I'm so happy that you have the ability to bring so much love and understanding through your music. Thank you from one of the Hooligans"
Clea Bigum
"You are my one and all, and a very big inspiration in my life. I can only say it with 3 words: I love you"
Caroline Mouritzen
"His song "Just the way you are" have given me more self-esteem and courage to do what I believe in"
Olivia Kramer Hansen
"Your lyrics have gotten me through some of the hardest times of my life"
Ida Riis
"You have taught me to be proud of who I am, and never give up on my dreams"
Anne Christine Gerrild Knudsen
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