Twitter: Stjernerne sørger over ofrene i Norge
På Twitter sender stjernerne deres dybeste medfølelse og tanker til ofrene og de pårørende i Norge. Vi har samlet et par af deres udtalelser her.
Rihanna: My heart and prayers go out to those lost and hurt in the recent events in Norway!!! And to their families and friends!
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Pink: My deepest sympathy is with those affected in Norway. You are a beautiful city and beautiful people and I send my heart and love.
Taylor Swift: I love you Norway. Oslo and the people there were so warm and welcoming to us.
Justin Bieber: My prayers go out to everyone in Norway and my friend Suniva.
Jessie J: Man… A weekend of sad news. My heart goes out to everyone that has experienced the sadness of death this weekend.
Katy Perry: Let's pray for our Norway friends as we lay our heads down tonight.
Joe Jonas: Praying for Norway.
Gavin Degraw: I'm reading news about the tragedy that happened in Norway yesterday. My thoughts and prayers are with the people there.