Zac Efron fik revet skjorten af
Det var altså lidt hans egen skyld, for da Zac Efron fandt ud af, at han var nomineret til "best shirtless performance" til MTV Movie Awards, tweetede han, at han ville modtage prisen i bar overkrop - og det kom han til. Rita Ora rev nemlig skjorten af ham!
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Zac Efron kom ellers op på scenen MED skjorte på og begyndte faktisk på sin takketale, mens publikum råbte, at han skulle smide skjorten. Men så listede Rita Ora hen bag ham og rev skjorten op. Først blev Zac ret overrasket, men valgte så at smide den helt. NICE! Tak Rita.
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Get More: 2014 MTV Movie Awards, Latest Movie News
Der var rigtig mange seje stjerner til MTV Movie Awards 2014 i aftes, og mange af dem vandt også en pris. Især "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire" var en af aftenens helt store vindere.
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Listen over alle vinderne er:
Movie of the Year:
"The Hunger Games: Catching Fire"
Best Female Performance:
Jennifer Lawrence - "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire"
Best Male Performance:
Josh Hutcherson - "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire"
Favorite character:
Tris - "Divergent"
Breakthrough Performance:
Will Poulter - "We're the Millers"
Best Kiss:
Emma Roberts, Jennifer Aniston and Will Poulter - "We're the Millers"
Best Fight:
"The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug" - Orlando Bloom and Evangeline Lilly vs. Orcs
Best Comedic Performance:
Jonah Hill - "The Wolf of Wall Street"
Best Scared-as-S*** Performance:
Brad Pitt - "World War Z"
Best On-screen Duo:
Vin Diesel and Paul Walker - "Fast & Furious 6"
Best Shirtless Performance:
Zac Efron - "That Awkward Moment"
#WTF moment:
Leonardo DiCaprio - "The Wolf of Wall Street"
Best Villain:
Mila Kunis - "Oz The Great and Powerful"
Best on-screen Transformation:
Jared Leto - "Dallas Buyers Club"
Best Musical Moment:
Backstreet Boys - Jay Baruchel, Seth Rogen and Craig Robinson - "This is the End"
Best Cameo Performance:
Rihanna - "This is the End"
Best Hero:
Henry Cavill as Clark Kent - "Man of Steel"
MTV Trailblazer:
Channing Tatum
MTV Generation Award:
Mark Wahlberg