Cara Delevingne deler depressions-digt
Cara Delevingne har valgt at åbne op omkring sin tid med depression, hvor hun i perioder slet ikke havde lyst til at leve. Som teenager havde hun det nemlig rigtig skidt, men heldigvis fik hun hjælp af sin familie og en psykolog, og så fandt hun ud af, at hun fik det bedre af at skrive.
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Derfor begyndte hun at skrive digte om sine tanker og følelser, og et af dem valgte hun at dele forleden til Women In The World Summit. Digtet handler om ikke at vide, hvem man er, føle sig tom og have lyst til at give op.
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Læs Caras smukke digt herunder.
"Who am I? Who am I trying to be? Not myself, anyone but myself. Living in a fantasy to bury the reality, Making myself the mystery, A strong facade disguising the misery. Empty, but beyond the point of emptiness, Full to brim with fake confidence, A guard that will never be broken, Because I broke a long time ago. I'm hurting but don't tell anyone. No one needs to know. Don't show or you've failed. Always okay, always fine, always on show. The show must go on. It will never stop. The show must not go on, But I know it will. I give up. I give up giving up. I am lost. I don't need to be saved, I need to be found".
Hvad hjælper jer, når I har det dårligt?
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